
9月换脸软件引发热议,《体育强国建设纲要》发布  。最高法发布作弊刑事案件司法解释!修订后的《中国共产党问责条例》发布  ,教育部等八部门联合发布意见规范教育app的使用 。9月10日起陆续发行中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币一套!苹果公司在美国总部Apple Park的乔布斯剧院举行新品发布会  ,2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物发布。“蚂蚁森林”获得联合国最高环保荣誉“2019地球卫士奖”  !庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年阅兵活动相关安排公布 ,中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式于9月29日上午10时在人民大会堂隆重举行  。

换脸软件 face-swapping app ,

一款名为ZAO的换脸软件在社交媒体刷屏 ,用户上传自己的照片。就能将影视作品中明星的脸换成自己的脸!过一把“明星瘾”,

On the app  ,users can choose from a pool of video footage and replace a star's face with their own by uploading their own high-definition photos featuring a full-frontal shot of their faces.在该应用中 。用户可以从大量视频片段中选择一个 !上传自己的高清正面照来替换视频中明星的脸,

The mobile application that enables users to appear as celebrities in hit movies or TV series has been widely accused of excessively collecting personal information,stirring public concerns over privacy and the rights to one's image.这款影视剧明星换脸软件因过度收集个人信息而受到广泛指责  。同时也引发公众对于隐私及个人肖像权的担忧!

有网友发现这款app的用户协议中有一些相当霸道的条款: ,

The agreement said "before you upload or post any content  ,you agree to grant ZAO。its affiliates and ZAO users worldwide the right to sublicense and reauthorize and the right to irrevocably use your content for free and for good."该用户协议提到“在您上传及/或发布用户内容之前!您同意或者确保实际权利人同意授予‘ZAO’及其关联公司以及‘ZAO’用户全球范围内完全免费、不可撤销、永久、可转授权和可再许可的权力”,

有网友担心同意这样的授权以后 ,个人信息会被不法分子利用。

"The clauses require the users to fully authorize the image right to the platform … You can't control what they are going to do with your portrait ," a Weibo user named Tone2 said.微博网友Tone2说:“这个条款要求用户完全把自己的肖像权授予该平台。他们怎么用你的肖像!你根本无法控制 ,”

"When you grant authorization to ZAO,all the rights of your face are no longer yours。" another user named stoneyzombie commented.另一位用户stonezombie说:“你授权给ZAO以后  !跟你的脸有关的所有权利就都不是你的了,”

As users need to log in with a personal phone number,some fear that once the phone number and facial images are disclosed  。"criminals can directly talk to your family by using some technical synthesis  !" an unidentified Weibo user said.用户使用该应用时需要用手机号登录,有些用户担心一旦手机号和面部图像信息泄露 。一位微博网友表示 !“不法分子可以直接用技术合成手段跟你的家人通话了,”

ZAO刷屏后 ,鉴于很多网友担心人脸支付被破解  。支付宝也及时做出回应:  !

There are many face-swapping applications and none have been able to pass the security check on Alipay no matter how lifelike the synthesized portraits look.目前,网上各类换脸软件有很多。但不管换的有多逼真   !都是无法突破刷脸支付的,

8月31日下午,ZAO修改了其用户协议内容。在用户协议的开头部分增加了“特别提示” !疑似回应网络争议 ,

The app modified its user agreement,adding a special notice in the front that states content will not be used for other purposes and can be removed from the server.该应用修改了用户协议 。在开头部分增加了“特别提示”  !表明用户上传的内容不会被用于其他用户,并可以从服务器上删除。

9月1日变脸应用“ZAO”微信分享链接已停止访问,页面显示“网页存在安全风险  。被多人投诉为维护绿色上网环境!已停止访问”,

微博账号“ZAO官方助手”也在9月1日下午发微博回应用户对隐私泄露的担忧:  ,

We fully understand your concerns about privacy issues. We have received the questions you have raised and will correct the parts that were not well-considered. It will take some time.我们十分理解大家对隐私问题的担忧,你们提的问题都已收到。考虑不周的地方我们会去改!需要一点时间,

体育强国 leading sports nation,

The new plan,named "Outline for Building a Leading Sports Nation"  。targets wider public engagement in sports!better competitive sports performances   ,a stronger sports industry。a more vibrant sports culture !and enhanced sports exchanges.《体育强国建设纲要》旨在推进全民健身,提升竞技体育综合实力。加快发展体育产业!促进体育文化繁荣发展,加强体育交流。

People who frequently participate in physical exercises should account for over 45 percent of the population by 2035; China should become a modern leading sports socialist country by 2050,and its people’s physical fitness  。general health levels and global influence in sports should be in the front ranks of the world.到2035年 !经常参加体育锻炼人数比例达到45%以上;到2050年,全面建成社会主义现代化体育强国  。人民身体素养和健康水平、体育综合实力和国际影响力居于世界前列 !

《纲要》针对体育强国建设提出了五个方面战略任务  ,

一是落实全民健身国家战略(advance the national fitness campaign),助力健康中国建设  。

People’s health should be put at the core of the campaign,with national fitness plans to be formulated and implemented and scientific fitness knowledge and methods to be disseminated.坚持以人民健康为中心。制定并实施全民健身计划!普及科学健身知识和健身方法,

二是提升竞技体育综合实力(improve performance in competitive sports events),增强为国争光能力 。

Preparations were encouraged for the coming Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games,the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.做好2020年东京奥运会、残奥会和2022年北京冬奥会、冬残奥会备战参赛工作。

三是加快发展体育产业(facilitate the growth of sports industry),培育经济转型新动能。

The development  ,design and manufacturing of sports goods will be supported   。and their supply capacity will be improved as well  !the circular read  ,adding more mass sports activities should be organized and sports games should be held during holidays to stimulate people’s consumption.支持体育用品研发设计、生产制造。显著提升体育用品供给能力  !丰富节假日体育赛事供给,激发大众体育消费需求  。

四是促进体育文化繁荣发展(cultivate a vibrant sports culture) ,弘扬中华体育精神  。

五是加强对外和对港澳台体育交流(enhance sports exchanges with other countries,Hong Kong and Macao SARs and Taiwan)。服务大国特色外交和“一国两制”事业  !

作弊刑事案件司法解释 judicial interpretation about crimes of exam cheating   ,

People who organize exam cheating or offer high-tech equipment to test takers in order to cheat will face heavier penalties in accordance with a newly released judicial interpretation.根据最新发布的司法解释 ,组织考试作弊或者为他人实施作弊提供高科技作弊器材的。将面临更加严重的处罚  !

Cheat这个词在英语里很常用  ,可以作为动词和名词使用 。有“欺骗、骗子、出轨”等意思!不同的搭配会表达不同的意思,我们在使用的时候要非常注意。比如cheat on someone表达的是“背着(配偶、性伴侣)乱搞;对(配偶、性伴侣)不忠”的意思   !也就是我们常说的“出轨” ,如果你想说“她骗了我”可以直接用she cheated me或者she fooled me来表示 。而千万不能说she cheated on me!另外我们也可以直接说someone is a cheat   ,来表示“某人是个骗子”  。

为严厉惩治考试作弊犯罪  ,2015年11月1日起施行的《刑法修正案(九)》明确组织作弊(organize cheating)、提供作弊器材(provide equipment or help for cheating)、非法出售或提供试题答案(illegally sell exam questions and answers)、代考替考(take tests for somebody else)等4类行为最高可判处七年有期徒刑(a sentence of up to seven years imprisonment) 。根据刑法第二百八十四条之一的规定!组织考试作弊罪  ,非法出售、提供试题、答案罪和代替考试罪的适用范围是“法律规定的国家考试”  。

此次发布的司法解释明确了“法律规定的国家考试”范围,是指全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定的法律所规定的考试 。

具体而言根据有关法律规定,下列考试属于“法律规定的国家考试(national-level exams stipulated by law)”:  。

(1)普通高等学校招生考试(the national college entrance exam)、研究生招生考试(the postgraduate entrance exam)、高等教育自学考试(exam for self-taught students)、成人高等学校招生考试(entrance exam for continuing education)等国家教育考试;,

(2)中央和地方公务员录用考试(the national and local civil servant exams);,

(3)国家统一法律职业资格考试、国家教师资格考试、注册会计师全国统一考试、会计专业技术资格考试、资产评估师资格考试、医师资格考试、执业药师职业资格考试、注册建筑师考试、建造师执业资格考试等专业技术资格考试(national exams to obtain professional qualifications like those for teachers  ,lawyers 。accountants!physicians,pharmacists  。and architects);!

(4)其他依照法律由中央或者地方主管部门以及行业组织的国家考试  ,

刑法规定在法律规定的国家考试中   ,组织作弊或者为他人实施组织作弊犯罪提供作弊器材或其他帮助的 。即构成组织考试作弊罪!处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役(detention or less than three years in prison),并处或者单处罚金;情节严重的(for serious cases)  。处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑(three to seven years in prison) !并处罚金

新的司法解释对组织考试作弊罪“情节严重”的认定标准作了明确规定  ,这九种情形分别是:。

在普通高等学校招生考试、研究生招生考试、公务员录用考试中组织考试作弊的(organize cheating in national college entrance exam ,postgraduate entrance exam and public servant exam);。

导致考试推迟、取消或者启用备用试题的(cause delay or cancellation of the exam);,

考试工作人员组织考试作弊的(the offender works for the authorities organizing and overseeing the exam);,

组织考生跨省、自治区、直辖市作弊的(organize cheating in other provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities);。

多次组织考试作弊的(repeatedly organize cheating in exams);,

组织30人次以上作弊的(organize 30 or more people to cheat in an exam);,

提供作弊器材50件以上的(provide more than 50 cheating devices);,

违法所得30万元以上的(obtain an illegal gain of at least 300   ,000 yuan);。

司法解释第三条对“作弊器材”的认定标准也作了明确  ,规定:

“具有避开或者突破考场防范作弊的安全管理措施  ,获取、记录、传递、接收、存储考试试题、答案等功能的程序、工具(applications or devices that can evade security checks and help gain  。record !convey,receive or store questions and answers of the exams) 。以及专门设计用于作弊的程序、工具  !应当认定为刑法第二百八十四条之一第二款规定的‘作弊器材’ ,”

中国共产党问责条例 regulation on Party accountability ,

The revised regulation on Party accountability,made public on Wednesday。targets Party organizations and leading officials of Party committees and discipline inspection committees.修订后的《中国共产党问责条例》于9月4日公布!主要针对各级党组织、党委领导干部以及纪委(纪检组),

《条例》规定,党组织、党的领导干部有下列情形之一 。应当予以问责: !

poor leadership of the Party;党的领导弱化;,

insufficient promotion of political,theoretical  。organizational and disciplinary work within the Party;党的政治建设抓得不实!党的思想建设缺失 ,党的组织建设薄弱。党的纪律建设抓得不严; !

insufficient combating of corruption;反腐败斗争不坚决、不扎实;,

improper conduct in the most pressing issues that concern the people,including education。medical services!ecological protection,food and drug safety。poverty relief and social security.在教育医疗、生态环境保护、食品药品安全、扶贫脱贫、社会保障等涉及人民群众最关心最直接最现实的利益问题上作为不当 !

对党组织的问责,根据危害程度以及具体情况。可以采取以下方式: !

(一)检查责令作出书面检查并切实整改(be ordered to write a letter of remorse and rectify),

(二)通报责令整改并在一定范围内通报(be named and shamed within certain ranks) ,

(三)改组对失职失责严重违犯党的纪律、本身又不能纠正的,应当予以改组(be restructured for serious dereliction of duty and violation of Party regulations)   。

对党的领导干部的问责  ,根据危害程度以及具体情况。可以采取以下方式:  !

(一)通报进行严肃批评,责令作出书面检查、切实整改。并在一定范围内通报(be named and shamed within certain ranks) !

(二)诫勉以谈话或者书面方式进行诫勉(receive oral or written warnings),

(三)组织调整或者组织处理,对失职失责、危害较重。不适宜担任现职的!应当根据情况采取停职检查、调整职务、责令辞职、免职、降职等措施(be suspended from their posts  ,transferred。or forced to resign  !demotion ,or dismissal)。

(四)纪律处分,对失职失责、危害严重。应当给予纪律处分的!依照《中国共产党纪律处分条例》追究纪律责任(be subject to punishment for violating Party discipline) ,

《条例》还明确,实行终身问责(lifelong accountability)。对失职失责性质恶劣、后果严重的  !不论其责任人是否调离转岗、提拔或者退休等,都应当严肃问责(officials will be held responsible for serious breaches of duty for life。even if they are transferred!promoted or retire),

教育app education app,

Education authorities and schools should ask the opinions of students,parents and teachers before introducing applications to students 。according to a guideline issued by the Ministry of Education and seven other departments on Thursday.教育部等八部门联合发布的意见指出!教育管理机构和学校推荐学生使用教育app之前应先征求学生、家长及老师的意见 ,

意见明确教育移动互联网应用程序(简称教育app)是指以教职工、学生、家长为主要用户(teaching staff  ,students and parents as target users)。以教育、学习为主要应用场景(teaching and learning as major application scenarios) !服务于学校教学与管理、学生学习与生活以及家校互动(applicable to teaching and management  ,learning activities and teacher-parent communication)等方面的互联网app。

意见要求建立教育app备案制度,备案按照“国家统一标准。各省份分头实施  !企业属地备案”的原则开展,

All apps used at schools should register with provincial education authorities by the end of this year,and a long-term management mechanism on the apps with specific standards and rules should be established by the end of 2020.2019年年底前 。所有教育app应向机构所在地的省级教育行政部门进行教育业务备案  !2020年底,建立健全教育移动应用管理制度、规范和标准   。形成常态化的监管机制!

学校推荐app不得收取任何费用 ,

Schools should not charge any fees for apps for teaching and student management,and these apps should not contain any commercial advertisements or games。it said.作为教学、管理工具要求统一使用的教育app  !不得向学生及家长收取任何费用,不得植入商业广告和游戏   。

Schools cannot force students to use certain apps or associate the use of the apps with grades   ,credit or honorary titles.对于学校推荐使用的教育app 。应当遵循自愿原则!不得与学分、成绩和评优挂钩  ,

The guideline added that apps for student management should contain different functions in order to cut the number of apps students need to download.学生管理类app应该包含多个功能 ,以减少学生需要下载的app数量 。

教育app不得变相强迫收集用户信息   ,

The providers of education apps should set up a data security mechanism that covers collection  ,storage 。transmission and use of personal information.教育app提供者应当建立覆盖个人信息收集、储存、传输、使用等环节的数据保障机制!

中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币 coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China ,

中国人民银行9月6日对外公布,定于9月10日起陆续发行中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币一套(a set of coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China)  。

The set includes two gold,four silver and one copper alloy coins。all legal tender  !the People's Bank of China said on its website.中国人民银行在官网表示,该套纪念币共7枚  。其中金质纪念币2枚!银质纪念币4枚  ,双色铜合金纪念币1枚  。均为中华人民共和国法定货币!




Tender这个词用法很多  ,比较常见的是作为形容词表示“温柔的、和善的”  。比如tender heart;另外!tender也可以作为动词或名词使用,动词的时候表示“提出”。比如:tender one's resignation;作名词时可表示“货币   !投标”等常见的搭配有make a tender of(投标),legal tender(法定货币)   。

All coins feature the national emblem on the obverse and are inscribed with Chinese characters reading "the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC" on the reverse side.所有纪念币正面图案均为中华人民共和国国徽,反面印有“中华人民共和国成立70周年”字样 。

One of the gold coins  ,with a diameter of 60 mm 。contains 150 grams of gold and has a denomination of 2!000 yuan (about $281.29). The other gold coins,22 mm in diameter 。contains 8 grams of gold and has a denomination of 100 yuan  !according to the central bank.央行介绍,金质纪念币有150克和8克两种 。其中150克金质纪念币直径60毫米!为2000元面额 ,8克金质纪念币直径22毫米。为100元面额!

A total of 2 ,000 large-size gold coins and 60。000 smaller gold coins will be available for purchase!it said.150克金质纪念币同发行2000枚,8克金质纪念币发行6万枚   。

The silver coins have denominations of 300 yuan   ,50 yuan and 10 yuan。with issuing amounts of 5!0007000 and 200  ,000 respectively.银质纪念币有300元、50元、10元三种面额。发行量分别为5000、7000以及20万枚!

智能路灯杆 smart lamp posts,

Lamp posts in 17 streets of Haidian district are being upgraded into smart lamp posts that integrate roles of monitoring traffic violations ,showing road signs and holding 5G facilities.海淀区17条道路的路灯杆正在进行升级改造。升级之后的智能路灯杆将融合交通违章抓拍、道路名牌显示以及承载5G设施等功能 !

Upgrade和update都有“更新,升级”的意思。但在具体使用时有一些区别!update是在产品发布以后 ,针对用户反馈的问题以及产品运行过程中出现的bug随时推出的一些解决方案。相当于软件的“补丁”;而upgrade则是用更新、性能更好的版本取代旧版本 !相当于软件“升级”,一般来说update的频率要高于upgrade的频率 。

此次北京市“多杆合一”试点改造的内容,主要是对现有的路灯(road lamps)、违章抓拍(traffic violation monitoring)、治安探头(public order monitoring)、街道监控(streets monitoring)、道路名牌(road signs display)及5G等专业的单一杆体进行杆体合并。“多杆”整合后 !各种设施和标识标牌都将尽量整合到一根综合杆上  ,

通州的多功能路灯杆则更加“智能”,将大气监测(air quality monitoring)、违停监控(illegal parking monitoring)、5G上网、指路服务(giving road direction)等多种功能全部集成在一根小小的路灯杆上。

不仅如此人行便道上阻碍通行的变电箱(substation box)、通信电箱(electricity supply box for communication)等都将隐藏,天空中显眼的各种飞线(overhead power lines)则会入地 。

苹果新品 Apple new products  ,

北京时间9月11日凌晨,苹果公司在美国总部Apple Park的乔布斯剧院举行新品发布会。推出了iPad、Apple Watch以及全新iPhone等一系列硬件产品和软件服务!

新发布的iPhone 11拥有6种配色:紫色、白色、黑色、绿色、黄色以及红色 ,

Kaiann Drance presents the new iPhone 11 at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino,California。the United States !Sept 10,2019. [Photo/Agencies]The iPhone 11 has a dual camera  。which includes a second camera featuring an ultra-wide lens. Artificial intelligence capabilities in the camera will auto-adjust lighting and reduce noise to allow users to take low-light images and more detailed portraits. It also features a front-facing portrait mode and slo-mo video capabilities in the front-facing camera.iPhone 11采用了双摄像头  !其中一个为超广角镜头,摄像头搭载的人工智能技术可以自动调节光线并降噪  。用户可以拍摄低亮度环境的照片以及细节更加优化的人像!同时前置摄像头有人像模式  ,还可以拍摄慢动作视频  。

此外苹果还首次推出了后缀为Pro的iPhone 11 Pro  ,

Apple announced the iPhone 11 Pro,which is being touted as “the most advanced and detailed iPhone yet”。with a three-lens “pro” camera system!more energy efficiency and spatial audio sound.苹果发布的iPhone 11 Pro被标榜为“目前最先进、最精细的iPhone”  ,这款手机配备了三个摄像头的专业级摄像功能 。能耗更低音效更好

Tout读作[ta?t],可以作为动词或名词使用 。有“招徕兜售标榜”之意作名词是一般指“票贩子”!常见搭配有tout products(兜售商品)  ,tout for investment(招揽投资)。tout tickets(倒票)等!

Videos made with the iPhone 11 Pro cameras will shoot in 4k resolution at 60 frames per second.iPhone 11 Pro的摄像头可以拍摄每秒60帧的4K视频,

这次新推出的Pro系列背面是磨砂质地(matte finish),有深空灰色、银色、金色和暗夜绿色四种 。

Apple also revealed the Apple Watch Series 5 at Tuesday’s event,which will have an always-on screen while maintaining up to 18 hours of battery life.此次发布会还推出了Apple Watch Serise 5。屏幕可实现永久点亮 !保持18个小时续航   ,

The iPad also got an update. The new 7th generation of the product will have a larger screen of 10.2 inches,up from 9.7 inches。and support for the Apple Pencil and Smart Connector !which lets users attach Apple’s own keyboards to the device to turn it into a pseudo-laptop.现场还带来了第七代iPad  ,显示屏由之前的9.7英寸升级为10.2英寸。支持苹果铅笔和智能连接器!用户可使用智能连接器将iPad与苹果键盘连接 ,将其变成一个笔记本电脑的样子。

随着硬件销售的压力越来越大 ,苹果也逐渐将重心向服务转移  。

Apart from the hardware  ,Apple said it will launch its all-original streaming service Apple TV+ on Nov. 1。this year.除了硬件产品以外!苹果还宣布将在11月1日推出完全原创的流媒体服务Apple TV+,

Users who buy any Apple products including new iPads  ,iPhones。laptops!or desktops are eligible to enjoy one year of free subscription to Apple TV+.购买新款iPad、iPhone、笔记本电脑或台式机的用户可以享受Apple TV+一年的免费服务  ,

上海迪士尼食品新规 new food policy at Shanghai Disney   ,

9月11日上海迪士尼宣布 ,即日起上海迪士尼度假区开始正式实施其主题乐园的食品携带新规 。

Effective immediately,visitors can now bring outside food and beverages into Shanghai Disneyland for consumption as long as these items do not require heating。reheating  !processing,refrigeration or temperature control and do not have pungent odors.即日起。游客可以携带食品饮料进入上海迪士尼享用!但不允许携带需加热、再加热、加工、冷藏或保温的食品及带有刺激性气味的食品,

不允许携带的具体为:需加热水食用的方便面(instant noodles);带自热功能的食品(food kept in containers with reheating capabilities),如自加热火锅;需加工冷藏或保温的食品   。如西瓜(watermelon);带有刺激性气味的食物!如榴莲(durian)、臭豆腐(stinky tofu),

游客将继续可以携带瓶装水和饮料(bottled water and beverages)入园 ,遍布乐园的50多个直饮水供应点和20多个热水供应点也将继续为游客免费提供饮用冷热水   。

Alcoholic beverages  ,cans and glassware will still be prohibited。with the exception of small baby food jars.酒精饮料、罐装和玻璃容器仍将被禁止携带入园(小型婴儿罐装食品除外) !

The company said that while guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages at designated picnic areas throughout the park,they must adhere to the city's waste sorting regulations and help maintain a clean and tidy park environment.上海迪士尼度假区鼓励携带食物的游客在指定野餐区域享用自带的食品和饮料。但需要遵守垃圾分类准则!并共同维护干净整洁的乐园环境,

同时乐园入口新增每日10元/件的寄存服务 ,但长宽高之和不能超过60厘米。寄存时间至晚上9点!

对于此前多次引发热议的开包检查事宜  ,上海迪士尼表示  。建议游客在安检时自己打开包袋!

Guests are encouraged to open their own bags and remove any flagged items. The resort said it is also seeking ways to utilize new equipment like X-ray machines to support security screening in the future.建议游客在安检时可以自己打开包袋  ,并自行将可疑物品取出   。上海迪士尼也表示!未来会采用如X光机在内的安检设备 ,辅助安检流程  。

国家步道 national trails ,

China has added three woodland walks to its list of national trails to enhance the travel experience of outdoor enthusiasts and further stimulate forest tourism.我国新增3条国家森林步道,以提升户外旅行爱好者的旅游体验。进一步促进森林旅游  !

国家步道(national trails)是指穿越生态系统完整性、原真性较好的自然区域,串联一系列重要的自然和文化点(natural and cultural spots)。为人们提供丰富的自然体验机会  !并由国家相关部门负责管理的步行廊道系统,欧美国家近百年的成功实践表明。国家步道是国家基础设施建设的重要组成部分(a major infrastructure project)!是国家形象的重要组成元素,是肩负着生态教育(ecological education)、遗产保护(heritage conservation)、文化传承(cultural continuity)、休闲服务(recreation services)、经济增长(economic growth)等诸多使命的自然与文化综合体。国家森林步道是国家步道的基础线路和重要组成部分 !

第三批国家森林步道途经黑龙江、安徽、河南、湖北、湖南、重庆、贵州等7省(市)   ,沿线有33处国家森林公园(forest parks)、25处国家级自然保护区(nature reserves)、7处国家湿地公园(wetlands)、10处国家级风景名胜区(national scenic areas)、11处国家地质公园(geological parks)、2处世界遗产地(world heritage sites)等各类保护地。

方便面 instant noodles



Both revenue and profits of China's food industry increased last year  ,among which the instant noodles sector regained momentum after industrial upgrade 。accounting for nearly 40 percent of global sales!according to data released at China Instant Food Conference Press Conference.中国方便食品大会新闻发布会上发布的数据显示,去年我国食品行业的收入和利润均有所增加。其中方便面行业在经过产业升级之后开始回暖  !占全球销量的近40%,

Momentum这个词在经济类报道中很常见,一般表示发展的“势头、动力”。比如maintain a sound momentum of development(保持良好发展势头)!the momentum of multi-polarity(世界多极化势头),gain momentum(势头强劲)。regain momentum(势头回暖)等!

Sales of instant noodles in China began to drop in 2013 and reached a low point of 38.5 billion units in 2016 ,data from the World Instant Noodles Association showed.世界方便面协会的数据显示  。中国的方便面销量从2013年开始下滑!在2016年达到385亿包的低点 ,

对于方便面市场低迷,有分析认为因为外卖(food delivery service)的出现 。尤其是初期外卖补贴较多(generous subsidy)   !点外卖比较便宜 ,这导致方便面消费出现寒冬   。

Food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng said growth in the instant noodle market picked up in the fourth quarter of 2016 as enterprises increased efforts to woo younger consumers.中国食品产业分析师朱丹蓬表示,2016年的第四季度   。方便面市场进入了回暖的节点!生产企业加大力度迎合年轻消费群体,

Many companies are putting more resources in improving taste,cooking methods and nutritional function。with an eye on consumers who look for quality lifestyles.很多企业都在提升口感、烹饪方式以及营养方面投入更多资源 !把眼光投向注重生活品质的消费者,

According to the annual report of Uni-President China,its revenue from instant noodles grew by 5.7 percent to 8.4 billion yuan last year. Sales of Tangdaren 。its middle and high-end brand !contributed about 30 to 40 percent of the total revenue.统一企业年报显示 ,去年的方便面收入为84亿元 。增长5.7%!其中高端品牌“汤达人”的收入占3到4成   ,

Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp  ,Hong Kong-listed food and beverage company。said revenue from instant noodles surpassed 23.9 billion yuan in 2018  !up 5.73 percent year-on-year ,among which  。high-price products grew 10.6 percent.香港上市的食品饮料公司康师傅控股有限公司表示  !2018年该公司的方便面收入超过239亿元 ,同比增长5.73%。其中高价位产品收入增长10.6% !

2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物 mascots for 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics,

北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”(Bing Dwen Dwen),以熊猫为原型进行设计创作。

The giant panda  ,which will be the Olympic mascot。is often regarded as a symbol of China. Its helmet is also indicative of the snow and ice of winter sports.北京冬奥会吉祥物大熊猫一直被视作中国的标志!其外壳体现了冬季冰雪运动的特点,

The name "Bing Dwen Dwen" is a combination of several meanings in the Chinese language,with "Bing" the Chinese word for "ice"   。and "Dwen Dwen" meaning robust and lively.“冰墩墩”这个名字是汉语中好几个意思的结合 !“冰”就是“冰雪”的“冰”,“墩墩”代表健康、活泼 。

The halo surrounding the mascot's face is suggestive of ice and snow tracks ,as well as the flowing "ribbons" on the exterior of the National Speed Skating Oval.“冰墩墩”脸周的光环代表冰雪运动赛道  。以及北京冬奥会的国家速滑馆——“冰丝带” !

北京冬残奥会吉祥物“雪容融”(Shuey Rhon Rhon)以灯笼为原型进行设计创作,

The Paralympic mascot choice of the lantern is seen as "symbolic of harvest ,warmth and light". In the name "Shuey Rhon Rhon" 。"Shuey" is the Chinese word for "snow" and "Rhon Rhon" has the duel meaning of tolerance and integration.残奥会吉祥物选择灯笼为原型  !代表着收获、温暖和光明 ,“雪容融”这个名字则代表宽容和融合。

The vivid red image is a perfect fit for the gala event,especially as the Games will coincide with China's Lunar New Year celebration in February and March 2022.灯笼以“中国红”为主色调。渲染了节日气氛 !2022年2月至3月冬奥会及残奥会举办期间恰逢中国的春节 ,

From what I have seen,I can say that it is a great choice. The mascot incorporates the best elements and characteristics of China and the Chinese people. It will be a wonderful ambassador for China and the Olympic Games Beijing 2022.看到吉祥物以后。我可以说这是一个很好的选择 !北京冬奥吉祥物集中国和中国人民的精华和特色于一身,一定会成为中国和2022年北京冬奥会的杰出大使 。

国际残奥委会主席帕森斯通过视频连线表示 ,

It's a mascot that represents a Chinese lantern,but also represents the Chinese New Year. It's a message of the future to the future generation of Chinese people who will be inspired by the amazing faith of the Paralympic athletes.(冬残奥会)吉祥物是一盏中国灯笼 。象征中国春节 !吉祥物是对中国新一代年轻人未来的期许,希望残奥运动员的超凡信念激励他们勇往直前  。

出行预测 travel forecast  ,

Beijing,Changchun in Northeast China's Jilin province。and Leshan in Southwest China's Sichuan province are predicted to be the top 3 cities most prone to traffic congestion during the National Day holiday!according to the report.报告指出,国庆节假期北京、吉林省长春、四川省乐山将位列易堵城市前三位。

Prone是一个常用的形容词 ,有两个意思:有...倾向的、易于...的;俯卧的、面部朝下的   。用作第一个意思的时候  !常用的搭配为be prone to或者作为后缀-prone使用   ,比如:he is prone to forget names(他很容易忘记别人的名字)。this is the most accident-prone place in the city(这是该市最容易发生事故的地方)   !当然我们也可以说someone is accident-prone,即“某人总是意外缠身”  。

As this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,the report estimated the number of tourists bound for Beijing will far surpass the number in previous years. Beijing will top the popular destination city list。followed by Shanghai!Hangzhou,Suzhou。Nanjing !Chengdu,Chongqing and Xi'an  。it said.今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年  !报告预计今年国庆期间到北京旅游的游客数量将远超往年,在全国热门旅游城市预测中。北京位列榜首  !排在后面的城市分别为上海、杭州、苏州、南京、成都、重庆以及西安,

The Palace Museum,the West Lake and the Bund expected to be the top 3 most popular scenic spots。followed by Tian'anmen Square!Shanghai Disneyland,Wuzhen scenic spot 。Huangshan Mountain!Kuanzhai Alley in Chengdu,Hongyadong housing complex in Chongqing and the Temple of Heaven.故宫、西湖以及上海外滩位列全国热门景区前三名。紧随其后的分别为天安门、上海迪士尼、乌镇、黄山、成都宽窄巷子、重庆洪崖洞以及天坛 !

随着游客量激增   ,景区周边的交通拥堵也会加剧  。

Shaanxi History Museum and the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an and Yangshuo Park in Guilin are considered to be the top 3 scenic spots most prone to traffic congestion.预计周边道路最为拥堵的景区是陕西历史博物馆,其次是西安的大雁塔和桂林的阳朔公园。

出境游(outbound travel)方面,预计亚太地区依然是国人的首选目的地(most favored destinations)。日本、韩国、泰国热度最高!

地球卫士奖 Champions of the Earth,

Ant Forest   ,a green initiative。has received a 2019 Champions of the Earth award  !the UN’s highest environmental honor  ,for turning the green good deeds of half a billion people into real trees planted in some of China’s most arid regions.因带动5亿人参与环保  。在中国最干旱的地区种树 !环保项目“蚂蚁森林”获得联合国最高环保荣誉“2019地球卫士奖”,

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recognized Ant Forest in the ‘Inspiration and Action’ category.联合国环境规划署授予“蚂蚁森林”该奖项中的“激励与行动奖”,

“地球卫士奖”(Champions of the Earth)由联合国环境规划署于2005年设立 ,是联合国表彰环境保护行动的最高奖项  。授予那些在环保方面做出重大贡献!给环境带来积极重大改变的个人或组织,每年颁发一次。


In 2018 ,the Zhejiang Green Rural Revival Program won the award for inspiration and action for its work to regenerate polluted waterways and damaged lands; and in 2017  。the Saihanba Afforestation Community was recognized in the inspiration and action category for transforming degraded land into a lush paradise.2018年!浙江省“千村示范、万村整治”工程因在整治污染河道以及修复损毁土地方面的工作获得“激励与行动奖”;2017年  ,塞罕坝林场因让贫瘠沙地变成绿水青山而获得同一奖项   。


Ant Forest shows how technology can transform our world by harnessing the positive energy and innovation of global users. Although the environmental challenges we face are daunting   ,we have the technology and the knowledge to overcome them and fundamentally redesign how we interact with the planet. Initiatives like Ant Forest tap into the best of human ingenuity and innovation to create a better world.“蚂蚁森林”展示了如何通过技术   。激发全球用户的正能量和创新行动!虽然我们面临的环境挑战很严峻  ,但是我们有技术和知识可以克服这些挑战并且从根本上重塑我们与地球互动的方式。这样的项目充分调动了人类的聪明才智!激发创新行动 ,助力我们创造一个更美好的世界。




Ant Forest users are encouraged to record their low-carbon footprint through daily actions like taking public transport or paying utility bills online. For each action,they receive ‘green energy’ points and when they accumulate a certain number of points  。an actual tree is planted.Users can view images of their trees in real-time via satellite.用户通过在“蚂蚁森林”里记录自己日常生活中公交出行、在线支付水电费等低碳行动积攒“绿色能量”积分!等积分累积到一定数额的时候,就可以种下一颗真正的树  。用户可以通过卫星实时图像查看自己种的树!

In addition to tree-planting,users can choose to protect certain size of conservation land on Ant Forest platform 。which is also exploring innovative solutions to alleviate poverty and improve the lives of local people by leveraging the power of digital technology.除了种树以外  !用户还可以通过“蚂蚁森林”平台认领保护地 ,通过数字技术手段探索创新扶贫方式。改善当地人民的生活水平!



Since its launch in August 2016,Ant Forest and its NGO partners have planted some 122 million trees in China's driest areas 。which include regions in Inner Mongolia!GansuQinghai and Shanxi. The trees cover an area of 112,000 hectares。with the project becoming China's largest private sector tree-planting initiative.自2016年8月推出以来!“蚂蚁森林”及其非政府组织合作伙伴已经在内蒙古、甘肃、青海、山西等干旱地区种下1.22亿棵树,这些树覆盖了11.2万公顷的土地。而该项目也成为中国最大的民间植树项目 !

所罗门群岛 the Solomon Islands ,


The communique stated that the two countries have decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level effective from the date of signature of this communique  ,in keeping with the interests and desire of the two peoples.公报表示。中华人民共和国和所罗门群岛!根据两国人民的利益和愿望,兹决定自公报签署之日起相互承认并建立大使级外交关系。

to sever diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系,

to resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系,

to establish consular relations 建立领事关系,

to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使级外交关系   ,

to suspend diplomatic relations 中断外交关系  ,

China and the Solomon Islands agree to develop friendly relations on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,mutual non-aggression。non-interference in each other's internal affairs !equality  ,mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.两国政府同意在相互尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处的原则基础上发展两国友好关系 。

The government of Solomon Islands recognizes that there is but one China in the world ,that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China  。and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory!according to the communique.所罗门群岛政府承认世界上只有一个中国  ,中华人民共和国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府。台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分 !

"The Government of the Solomon Islands shall sever 'diplomatic relations' with Taiwan as of this day and undertakes that it shall no longer develop any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan. The Government of the People's Republic of China appreciates this position of the Government of the Solomon Islands," the communique said.所罗门群岛政府即日断绝同台湾的所谓“外交关系”。并承诺不再同台湾发生任何官方关系!不进行任何官方往来 ,中华人民共和国政府对所罗门群岛政府的上述立场表示赞赏  。


Mentioning the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,Wang said the timing of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries brings a special significance and promises bright prospects in bilateral relations.再过几天就是中华人民共和国成立70周年。中所两国在这一重要节点实现建交!更增添了一份特殊意义,也预示着中所关系必将迎来光明的未来。

He said China must and will eventually achieve national reunification. "The Taiwan region was,is and will continue to be an inalienable part of China's territory。both de facto and de jure. This status will not and cannot be changed."中国必须统一  !也终将统一无论事实上还是法理上台湾地区过去、现在和将来都是中国领土不可分割的组成部分,这一地位不会改变  。也不可能改变 !

"There are only a handful of countries who have not yet established diplomatic relations with China. We believe more and more visionary people in these countries will speak up for justice in keeping with the overriding trend of the times  ," Wang noted.现在尚未与中国建交的国家已经寥寥无几。我们相信这些国家当中!一定会有越来越多的有识之士站出来,发出顺应时代大势的正义声音。

成都大熊猫繁育研究基地 Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding  ,

The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province said visitors will have to book tickets online during the upcoming National Day holiday that runs from Oct 1 to 7. Tickets will not be sold at the base's ticket office or ticket-selling machines during the period,according to a circular released by the base.成都大熊猫繁育研究基地发布公告 。国庆7天假期期间!参观该基地的游客需提前通过网络订票,现场售票处和售票机均停止售票。

As many as 60 ,000 tickets will be sold online for a single day over the period。36000 tickets for the morning and 24!000 for the afternoon.单日网络售票限6万张,其中上午时段限量3.6万张。下午时段限量2.4万张   !

The maximum number of visitors allowed in the base at one time will be 22  ,000.园区内实时最大游客量限量2.2万人。

日常使用中at和time搭配的短语有好几个,比如at times  。at a time!at one time,这几个短语在用法上有一些区别:at times表示“有时”。跟sometimes用法类似  !比如I like Bob but he's very annoying at times.(我喜欢鲍勃   ,但是他有时也很烦人   。)At a time一般表示“一次!每次”比如please come in,one at a time.(请进吧  。一次进一个)At one time一般表示“过去某一时期!曾经一度”(与once接近)或“同时”的意思  ,比如I used to live here at one time.(我曾经住在这儿。)用作“同时”讲的时候  !at one time和at a time可以相互替换使用,所以上文中的句子也可以写为:The maximum number of visitors allowed in the base at a time will be 22。000.

公告表示实时游客量达到2.2万人上限时  ,将暂停检票入园(suspend admission);待游客量减少后重启检票。

9月24日10:00开始网上提前售卖电子门票  ,

阅兵安排 military parade preparations,

9月24日下午,庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年活动新闻中心在梅地亚中心二层新闻发布厅举办第一场专题集体采访活动。介绍有关阅兵活动安排!并回答记者提问  ,

The military parade for the upcoming National Day celebrations ,which will take place in Beijing on Oct 1 。will involve around 15!000 military personnel.The scale of the parade will be the largest in recent years.10月1日举行的国庆阅兵总规模约1.5万人,是近几次阅兵中规模最大的一次 。

A total of 59 formations and a military band  ,including more than 160 aircraft and 580 pieces of equipment。will be featured in the parade.这次阅兵编59个方(梯)队和联合军乐团!各型飞机160余架、装备580台(套),

The parade will consist of two parts. First  ,the troops will be reviewed along Chang'an Avenue; then。airborne flag-guarding echelons!foot formations,armament formations and air echelons will pass through or fly across Tian'anmen Square. The parade will last for about 80 minutes.阅兵活动按阅兵式、分列式两个步骤进行。时长约80分钟 !阅兵式受阅部队在长安街列阵   ,接受检阅分列式依次按空中护旗梯队、徒步方队、装备方队、空中梯队的顺序通过天安门广场。

Foot formations are comprised of 15 formations of guards of honor,servicewomen。civilian personnel !reserve forces,militia 。peacekeepers!among others.徒步方队编仪仗方队、女兵方队、文职人员方队、预备役部队方队、民兵方队、维和部队方队等15个方队  ,

A total of 32 armament formations will join the parade  ,including those of land combat operation。maritime combat operation and air defense and missile defense.装备方队编陆上作战、海上作战、防空反导等32个方队!

Bombers   ,naval aircraft 。fighters and other weaponry will fly in 12 air echelons.空中梯队编轰炸机梯队、舰载机梯队、歼击机梯队等12个梯队!

首次亮相的新型武器装备比重较高 ,

A selection of new weapons utilized by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) will feature in the parade.这次阅兵安排中国人民解放军部分新型武器装备受阅  ,

All the weapons and equipment to feature in the parade are domestic and in active service with a high level of IT application and better strike accuracy.这次参阅的武器装备有两大特点:第一,所有受阅装备均为国产现役主战装备 。第二受阅装备信息化程度普遍比较高!

The new weapons also display a joint combat system of the PLA and innovative features from China's national defense industry.新型装备集中展现我军联合作战装备体系构成,比较充分地体现了我国国防科研自主创新能力  。

The military parade this year is the first of its kind since socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era and the first public appearance of the people's army after its comprehensive reform and restructuring,Wu said.这次阅兵是中国特色社会主义进入新时代的首次国庆阅兵。也是人民军队全面改革重塑后的首次整体亮相!

A total of 188 military attaches from 97 countries stationed in China have been invited to watch the military parade,Wu said.届时将有97个国家的188名驻华武官应邀观看阅兵活动。

China has no intention nor need to flex its muscles in the military parade  ,said Wu Qian。a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense!at the group interview.国防部发言人吴谦在集体采访中表示 ,我们既没有意图。更没有必要通过阅兵来“秀肌肉” !

Over the last 70 years ,with the enhancing military strength。China has made great contributions to the world  !Wu said,adding that the stronger the country is  。the greater constructive role it will play in keeping world peace.70年来  !中国军队的世界贡献有目共睹,我们自身越强 。为世界和平提供的正能量就会越多!

There is a flawed logic blaming the Chinese military for "flexing its muscles" if it showcases its weapons and "having no transparency" if it does not,Wu said.他们头脑中有一些非常奇怪的逻辑:如果中国军队展示武器装备就是“秀肌肉”   。如果不展示就是“不透明” !

"The best way to deal with such logic is to focus on one's own missions," Wu said.我觉得对付这种逻辑最好的办法就是坚定不移地做好自己的事情   。

China's armed forces will resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty,security and development interests。actively contribute to building a community with a shared future for humanity and stride forward along its own path to build a stronger military under the leadership of the Communist Party of China!Wu said.中国军队将在中国共产党的坚强领导下   ,坚决捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益。积极服务构建人类命运共同体!沿着中国特色强军之路阔步向前,

平潭海峡公铁大桥 Pingtan Strait Road-rail Bridge,


The Pingtan Strait Road-rail Bridge ,the world's longest cross-sea road-rail bridge 。connects Pingtan Island and four nearby islets to the mainland of Fujian province.平潭海峡公铁大桥连接平潭岛及四个周边小岛与福建省陆地区域!是世界最长的跨海公铁大桥,

英语中表示“岛”的词常见的有island,islet以及isle。注意哦这三个单词里面的字母s都不发音!分别读作['a?l?nd]  ,['a?l?t]以及[a?l]。其中isle跟island意思相同  !均表示四周都被水包围的一片陆地  ,只不过isle多用于诗歌以及岛屿的名称 。比如the British Isles(不列颠群岛);islet指比较小的岛(a small island)!

平潭海峡公铁大桥是福州至平潭铁路控制性工程  ,也是“十三五”规划中北京至台湾高铁的先期工程(preliminary project of the Beijing-Taiwan highspeed railway) 。

大桥起于福州市长乐区  ,“踏”过四座小岛后抵达中国第五大岛平潭  。上层设计为时速100公里的六车道高速公路(six-lane expressway)!下层为设计时速200公里的高铁(high-speed railway)   ,据福建福平铁路公司介绍。大桥计划2020年正式通车(open to traffic in 2020) !

The bridge can help shorten travel time from two hours to half an hour between Fuzhou,capital city of Fujian province and Pingtan。a pilot zone set up to facilitate trade and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Strait.大桥通车后  !福州到平潭之间的出行时间将由2小时缩短至30分钟,平潭是为促进两岸经贸合作和文化交流而设立的试验区  。

2013年平潭海峡公铁大桥正式动工,建设者们创造性地研发运用了一系列新结构、新材料、新工艺、新装备 。成功突破了“建桥禁区( a "no-go zone" for bridge-building)”   !

全国重点文物保护单位 major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level ,

9月26日召开的国务院常务会议核定了第八批762处新的全国重点文物保护单位 ,包括古遗址、古建筑、近现代重要史迹及代表性建筑等。

With 762 new sites added to the list ,the number of major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level will reach 5 。058many of them located in Shanxi!HenanHebeiZhejiang and Shaanxi provinces.762处新的保护单位核定以后 ,我国目前共有5058处全国重点文物保护单位。其中很多位于山西、河南、河北、浙江以及陕西省  !

全国重点文物保护单位(major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level)是中华文明的优秀代表和重要标识 ,1961年国务院核定公布了第一批180处国保单位。根据2002年10月28日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过的《中华人民共和国文物保护法》第十三条的规定!国务院文物行政部门在省级、市、县级文物保护单位中  ,选择具有重大历史、艺术、科学价值的(those with significant historical  。artistic and scientific value)确定为全国重点文物保护单位  !或者直接确定为全国重点文物保护单位 ,报国务院核定公布。

会议强调要坚持价值优先、质量第一(the value and quality of the cultural relics should be prioritized)  ,保证真实性、完整性(their originality and completeness preserved)   。健全法规制度(improve relevant laws and regulations)!吸引社会力量参与 ,有效保护、管理和合理利用中华民族的宝贵历史遗存(ensure effective protection 。management and proper utilization of the valuable heritage sites of the Chinese nation)  !促进中华文明薪火相传   ,增强民族自信心凝聚力。

国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式 awarding ceremony of national medals,honorary titles  。

经中共中央批准 ,中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式于9月29日上午10时在人民大会堂隆重举行。

President Xi Jinping granted the Medal of the Republic,the Friendship Medal and national honorary titles to the honorees at a ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People at 10 am Sunday.9月29日上午10时   。国家主席习近平向国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者分别授予“共和国勋章”“友谊勋章”和国家荣誉称号奖章!

“共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)” ,

“共和国勋章”以红色、金色为主色调,章体采用国徽、五角星、黄河、长江、山峰、牡丹等元素(the national emblem。a five-pointed star!the Yellow River  ,the Yangtze River。mountains and a peony)!章链采用中国结、如意、兰花等元素(Chinese knots,Ruyi and orchids)。整体使用冷压成型、花丝镶嵌、珐琅等工艺制作!象征勋章获得者为共和国建设和发展作出的巨大贡献,礼赞国家最高荣誉(the highest state honor)  。祝福祖国繁荣昌盛  !寓意全国各族人民团结一心共筑中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,

授予为党、国家和人民的事业作出巨大贡献、功勋卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party ,the country and the people)   。这是根据宪法法律规定 !由全国人大常委会决定、国家主席签发证书并颁授的国家勋章,是国家最高荣誉(the highest honor of the country)。

“友谊勋章(the Friendship Medal)” ,

“友谊勋章”以金色、蓝色为主色调,章体采用和平鸽、地球、握手、荷花等元素(a peace dove   。the Earth!a handshake ,and a lotus)。章链采用中国结、万年青、牡丹、玉璧、兰草等元素(the chain features elements such as Chinese knots  !evergreens  ,peonies  。a jade disc and orchids)  !整体使用花丝镶嵌(filigree and inlay)、掐丝珐琅(cloisonne)等传统工艺手工制作   ,象征中国人民同各国人民友好团结、友谊长存  。祝愿世界各国共同繁荣发展!

授予为我国社会主义现代化建设和促进中外交流合作、维护世界和平作出杰出贡献的外国人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive,promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world  。and helped maintain world peace) !为国家最高荣誉  ,

国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor),

国家荣誉称号奖章以红色、金色为主色调,章体采用五星、天安门、牡丹、旗帜、光芒等元素(five-pointed stars。the Tian'anmen Square!peonies  ,flags and rays of light)。章链采用中国结、花卉等元素(Chinese knots and flowers)  !整体使用冷压成型、花丝镶嵌、珐琅等工艺制作,象征国家荣誉称号获得者在各领域各行业作出的重大贡献   。彰显示范引领作用!激励全国各族人民不忘初心、牢记使命  ,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈奋斗   。

授予在经济、社会、国防、外交、教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育等各领域各行业作出重大贡献、享有崇高声誉的杰出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy,society  。national defense!diplomacy,education。science!culture  ,health and sports)。

奖章颁授及获奖代表讲话之后,习近平发表重要讲话 。以下为讲话要点摘录:!

今天受表彰的国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者 ,是千千万万为党和人民事业作出贡献的杰出人士的代表。他们的事迹和贡献将永远写在共和国史册上   !The awardees are outstanding representatives of the people who contributed to the cause of the Party and the people,and their deeds and contributions will always be marked in the history of the PRC.。

崇尚英雄才会产生英雄  ,争做英雄才能英雄辈出 。党和国家历来高度重视对英雄模范的表彰  !When people respect and advocate heroes ,more heroes will come to the fore  。the Party and the state have always attached great importance to honoring heroes and role models.!

今天我们以最高规格褒奖英雄模范 ,就是要弘扬他们身上展现的忠诚、执着、朴实的鲜明品格。忠诚就是英雄模范们都对党和人民事业矢志不渝、百折不挠;执着   !就是英雄模范们都在党和人民最需要的地方冲锋陷阵、顽强拼搏;朴实 ,就是英雄模范们都在平凡的工作岗位上忘我工作、无私奉献。不计个人得失!Todaywe honor these heroes and role models with the highest standards to promote their qualities of loyalty ,perseverance and humbleness  。their loyalty to the cause of the Party and the people!their dedication to hard work for decades in a row in the fields where the Party and the people need them most,and their humbleness to make huge sacrifice at ordinary job posts without pursuing fame or self-interests.。

英雄模范们用行动再次证明,伟大出自平凡。平凡造就伟大!只要有坚定的理想信念、不懈的奋斗精神,脚踏实地把每件平凡的事做好。一切平凡的人都可以获得不平凡的人生  !一切平凡的工作都可以创造不平凡的成就,Heroes and role models once again demonstrate with their actions that greatness comes out of the ordinary。adhering to firm ideals and convictions and working tirelessly to have their jobs done!every ordinary person can have an extraordinary life and every ordinary job can produce extraordinary achievements.,

中国人民愿同世界各国人民一道   ,推动构建人类命运共同体  。让我们这个星球越来越美好!Chinese people are willing to work with people of all countries to build a community with a shared future for humanity and to make the planet a better place.  ,

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英),


