
今天AAE(美国英文学院 ,American Academy of English。简称AAE)为您分享由英语词根——cent(i)衍生出来的15个单词:!

1. percent [per每 ,cent 百]  。

I’m glad to hear that the net income per head rose by about 16 percent in the past three years.  ,


2. percentage [percent 百分之… + age 抽象名词后缀]   ,

Only a few vegetable-origin foods have such a high percentage of protein. ,

只有几种蔬菜食品有如此高的蛋白质含量 ,

3. centennial [cent 百+ enn 年+ ial 形容词后缀]  ,

I attended the centennial celebration of the university when I was in my sophomore year. ,


4. centenarian [cent 百+ en (=enn)年+ arian 名词后缀 ,表示人]

A centenarian is someone who is a hundred years old or older.  ,

一个百岁老人  ,就是一百岁或以上的人。

5. centigrade [centi 百+ grade 度] ,

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees centigrade.,

6. centipede [centi 百+ ped 脚,足→ 百脚虫→蜈蚣]



A centipede snaked swiftly away.,

7. centuple [cent 百+ u连接字母+ ple 倍]   ,

We are right. The prospective confidence of our own company is centuple.,


8. century [cent 百+ u连接字母+ ry 名词后缀],

The century produces many great men.  ,

9. bicentennial [bi(=two) 二+ cent 百+enn年+ ial 形容词后缀]  ,

This week is the bicentennial of his birth.,

10. centigram [centi 百分之… + gram 克] ,

n. 厘克(质量单位  ,1厘克=1/100克)。

Centigram is a unit for measuring weight. There are 100 centigrams in a gram.

英语词根记忆法:词根cent ,助你认识15个单词   。_湖北食品经营许可办理



11. centiliter [centi 百分之一+ liter 公升]




A centiliter is a unit of volume,equal to ten milliliters or one-hundredth of a liter.。


12. centimeter [centi 百分之… + meter 米] ,

Metercentimeter,and millimeter units used to measure length.。


13. cent [ 一元的百分之一 ],

We haven't got a cent.,

14. centenary [cent 百+ en(= ann)年+ ary 名词或形容词后缀],

The club will hold a party to celebrate its centenary.,

这个俱乐部要举行庆祝成立一百周年的活动  ,

15. centuplicate [cent 百+u连接字母 + plic 多,倍+ ate 动词后缀]  。

v. 使增至百倍;加一百倍;用百乘

英语词根记忆法:词根cent,助你认识15个单词 。_湖北食品经营许可办理



上一篇:可节约大量资源、能源和土地 玻璃瓶再利用重回视野_云南食品证经营许可证