
这是一档视频动新闻栏目  ,实时追踪全球外企动态。周一到周五5位主播帮你解读热点  !中、英双语呈现丰富资讯,

大家可以看到,今天我们的视频录制地点有点不一样  。这里是位于上海城西的国家会展中心(上海) !明天第二届中国国际进口博览会将在这里开幕,来自全世界150多个国家和地区的3000多家企业将在这里展示他们的尖端产品和技术。

今天我们先来盘点一下几个进博会展品之最,1916年生产的斯图茨勇士。是今年进博会最年长的展品!在那个年代被誉为当时的终极跑车 ,价值约26万美元。

日本医疗器械企业泰尔茂株式会社将带着全球最细的胰岛素注射针头前来参展 ,这一针头的外直径仅为0.18毫米  。可大大降低糖尿病患者的注射痛感!

土耳其的明星企业伟视达将带来全世界“最安静”的洗衣机,工作声音仅39分贝 。大大低于普通产品产生的噪音  !


我们介绍的仅仅是进博会丰富展品的冰山一角,未来几天时间内。我们将在经济日报各平台为大家带来精彩的进博会报道 !不要错过

罗氏携巨型“魔方”登陆第二届进博会 ,

Roche Brings A Giant "Rubik's Cube" To The 2nd CIIE,

罗氏集团将携旗下制药和诊断两大核心业务亮相进博会  ,打造“以患者为中心”的个体化医疗创新之路。并全方位展现诊疗一体化方案!覆盖乳腺癌、肿瘤免疫治疗和流感等重大疾病领域  ,

Roche Group will showcase its patient centric journey for personalised healthcare and its integrated diagnosis and treatment solutions at the second China International Import Expo (CIIE). The company will also exhibit its latest innovative therapeutic products around the globe for breast cancer ,immunotherapy and influenza.。

本届展会上罗氏展台设计围绕 “以患者为中心”的理念,打造个体化医疗的创新之旅  。为了更好地诠释这一主题!并带来直观生动的参观感受,罗氏将精心打造一系列精彩纷呈的互动体验 。

At the second CIIE   ,the design of Roche’s booth will focus on innovative approach to personalised healthcare as well as its integrated medical solutions and cutting-edge technologies. To better present the theme “Personalised Healthcare” 。Roche will craft a series of interactive activities for all participants.  !

展台上最醒目的位置上屹立着一座巨型魔方——“与基因对话”   ,通过AR虚拟现实技术 。它能将每个人的“基因”变成看得见的图像 !只需短短几秒钟时间,体验者就能在魔方上看见一个基因组成的自己。换一种方式认识全新的自我!

At the most prominent position of the booth stands a giant Rubik's Cube named “DNA Talk”. The magic cube is able to turn every visitor's “DNA” into a visualized image via AR techniques. In merely a few seconds   ,the experiencers can see a genetic composition of themselves on the cube。accomplishing a fresh perspective on self-acknowledgement.!

“与时间赛跑”大型互动体验以IMAX巨幕联合地屏,通过合力动感单车的形式  。不断聚能加速   !挑战时间极限  ,让参与者感受在与时间赛跑的过程中。为患者赢得希望的决心!

Another key motif of the booth is the “Race Against Time” large-scale interactive project adopting an IMAX screen and a spinning bike. It will provide visitors with extraordinarily interactive experience,which vividly depicts that Roche is gearing up efforts to develop innovative therapies for the benefit of as many patients as possible.  。

Bosch Brings Newly Imported Products


博世将携多款进口新品和创新互联解决方案亮相第二届进博会 ,博世将搭建两个展台。将全方位展示互联交通、互联工业以及互联家居三大板块的创新解决方案!

Bosch will unveil its newly imported products and showcase a comprehensive range of innovative IoT solutions at the 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE). Bosch will present two booths and showcase its comprehensive range of innovative solutions in the fields of connected mobility,connected industry   。and connected living.  !


During the CIIE,Bosch will launch various imported products offline as well。including YOUSeries power tools and floorstanding wall-hung boiler and demonstrates one-stop kitchen solutions and customizable kitchen suites!to meet the diversified demand of customers.,


In the Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances Zone ,Bosch’s YOUSeries power tools from Europe 。specially designed for household use!will also be showcased offline for the first time. The product series includes cordless drill,cordless vac。and cordless sander   !featuring slim,stylish  。minimalist design that has won the 2019 iF Design Award.!

博世(中国)投资有限公司总裁陈玉东博士表示,“博世希望通过进博会持续不断地了解本土市场的需求 。为中国的消费者带来更优质和适合的产品!为中国的汽车产业和工业的转型升级提供创新的物联网解决方案,”

“Bosch hopes to keep up with the local demands through CIIE,providing Chinese customers with better quality and more suitable products。offering innovative IoT solutions to automobile industry and manufacture transformation.”said Dr. Chen Yudong   !President of Bosch China.,


Boston Scientific To Debut At The 2nd CIIE



波士顿科学公司将以“为生命创新矢志不渝,同建生态圈合作共赢”为主题。首次亮相第二届进博会  !

Boston Scientific Corporation will attend the event for the first time with the theme of “Advancing Science for Life”.,

此次波士顿科学将展示冠心病介入、结构性心脏病、肿瘤治疗、动静脉介入、节律管理、神经调控和泌尿系统六大疾病领域的整体解决方案  ,以及5款荣获或被提名为“医药界诺贝尔奖”——盖伦奖的明星产品。更有全球首款TheraSphere Y-90放射性玻璃微球等创新产品闪亮登场  !

At this year’s CIIE,Boston Scientific will showcase its solutions in six disease areas: Interventional Cardiology 。structural heart disease!interventional oncology  ,peripheral artery disease and venous disease 。rhythm management  !neuromodulation and urology health. In addition to 5 star products that have already won or have been nominated for the Prix Galien Award  ,known as “the Nobel Prize for Pharmaceuticals” 。innovative products such as the world’s first TheraSphere Y-90 will also make their debut.  !

对于波士顿科学来说,这不仅是一次创新产品的展示。更是促进交流与合作的良好契机 !希望通过这个开放、多元的窗口,与社会各界共同探讨新技术、新业态、新模式的跨界合  。构建多方联动的行业生态圈!

For Boston Scientific,it will be more than an event to showcase innovative products—it will also be a great opportunity to promote exchange and cooperation. As demonstrated by our theme for this event—“Advancing Science for Life”—we hope to take advantage of this open and diverse window to explore new technologies   。new trends and new business models across industries   !and build a healthcare ecosystem with multiple parties working together. ,





This year marks the 40th anniversary of Boston Scientific. Staying true to the mission of “advancing science for life”,the company invests more than $1 billion a year in product development and clinical studies.   。

Sodexo Showcases Quality Of Life Services From France  ,

索迪斯大中华区总裁马博闻提出 ,索迪斯去年非常成功地参加了首届中国国际进口博览会。很荣幸我们将继续借助进博会的平台   !呈现索迪斯的全球化经验和本土化实践  ,

Martin BODEN  ,President of Sodexo Greater China said 。“Sodexo participated in the 1st CIIE last year and it was very successful. We are honored to continue to present our global experience and local expertise at the 2nd CIIE. ”!

作为生活质量服务的全球领军企业,索迪斯将与多家法国企业携手  。进驻第二届进博会法国国家馆 !展现来自法国的生活质量服务,

As a world leader in quality of life services,Sodexo will join together with several French companies to present at French Pavilion。to showcase the quality of life services from France.!

通过为企业、医院、学校等机构组织及其员工、学生、病患等提供餐饮和设施管理解决方案  ,

Sodexo provides services to corporates,schools and hospitals and and serve their employees 。students and patients with catering and facilities management services.!


It helps these organizations and individuals to enhance working efficiency  ,nutrition and health level as well as environment safety。with an ultimate goal of improving performances for them. !


CIIE is a platform of opening up and creating synergy. Sodexo hopes to leverage this platform to further explore new collaboration opportunities and enhance its awareness and reputation in China as a French service brand. ,

索迪斯将与中国本地   ,以及其他来自世界各地的企业深度交流。为中国消费者提供世界一流的创新生活质量服务!为推动中法全面战略伙伴关系贡献力量  ,

It is also an opportunity to engage with companies in China and from other parts of the world. Sodexo is committed in bringing world-class quality of life services in China and contributing in the strategic China-France partnerships. ,

来源:经济日报·外企头条工作室   ,

原标题:《外企头条丨世界顶尖产品云集进博会,哪个你最感兴趣?》  。


上一篇:“四叶草”灿烂绽放 江苏助力进博会越办越好_江西深圳食品生产许可证